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Hi视频 | 今日处暑!关于处暑你都知道多少呢?快点视频一起了解

2023-08-23 编辑: 宋倩



      End of Heat is the 14th solar term in the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms, and the second solar term in autumn season. It begins around August 22 to 24 each year.


      End of Heat, a solar term reflecting temperature changes, implies the end of hot summer.


      There is a poem saying: "Three days after the End of heat, the cool breeze worth ten thousand of gold." It means after entering the End of heat, there will be blasts of cool breeze. Money can’t buy this kind of comfortable feeling.


      But the North and the South are quite different during this period. The northern part has already been" away from the scattered summer clouds, with embracing the cool breeze," while the south of the Yangtze River is still in strong heatwaves. As a local saying goes, “Slight Heat or Great Heat, they are not the real heat. The Beginning of Autumn and End of Heat, they are more like the real heat.”


      After the End of Heat, although the temperature gradually declines, and temperature difference between day and night become larger, the daytime temperature is still relatively high. Length of the "Autumn Tiger" (A Chinese description of Autumn heatwaves) varies from year to year. In general, it lasts about half a month to two months.


      During the End of Heat, fruits and crops in most parts of China are ripening, and farmers step up their harvesting to catch up with the farming season.


      There are proverbs such as “the crops are ripe during the End of Heat, and every household fills their granaries”. It means that the harvest season starts soon after this solar term.


      The ancient Chinese divide this solar term into three stages. During the first stage, eagles perceive the coming of autumn, and begin to hunt a large number of birds. They often stack their prey together. “Killing the birds without eating them immediately has made it looks like a sacrifice”. Entering the second stage, weather becomes cooler. People can soon feel the changes. And the third stage is when the grains become ripe.


      In terms of dates, the End of Heat is close to Zhongyuan Festival, or the Ghost Festival. So, the folk customs are similar for these two, such as ancestor worshiping and flying river lanterns.


      As a folk saying goes, “sending ducks during the End of Heat keeps the family out of illness”. Ancient people believe that the ducks are fleshy and plump in mid-July of the lunar calendar. So, there is also a custom of eating duck in Southern China during the End of Heat.

      有的地区会在处暑这天喝苦茶,有入秋了要吃点“苦”的意思。 而对于沿海渔民来说,处暑以后就是渔业收获的时节。很多地方都会举办隆重的开渔节,渔民们扬帆出海,收获满满。

      In some regions, people also drink bitter tea on this day, which means it is good to eat some bitter-taste-food in autumn. For coastal fishermen, after the End of Heat, it is the season for fishing harvest. Many places hold grand fishing festivals, when fishermen set sail and reap a bountiful harvest.